Question And Answer
Chrome in iOS, history.pushState
will casue bottom toolbar to disappear. So don't use history.pushState.
How to disable overflow-x scrollbar in monaco-editor
? options => wordWrap: 'on'
Safari don't send browser cookies during a 302 redirect Safari executes redirect before reading all headers, set-cookie did after redirect. In iOS 15.3.1, set-cookie did behind redirect.
Nest.js, Error: Can't set headers after they are sent to the client
OpenWrt can't resovle domain DNS to Local Area Network,LAN.
Uncheck Network => DCHP and DNS => General Settings => Rebind protection
NestJS Request Lifecycle.
In general, the request lifecycle looks like the following:
- Incoming request
- Globally bound middleware
- Module bound middleware
- Global guards
- Controller guards
- Route guards
- Global interceptors (pre-controller)
- Controller interceptors (pre-controller)
- Route interceptors (pre-controller)
- Global pipes
- Controller pipes
- Route pipes
- Route parameter pipes
- Controller (method handler)
- Service (if exists)
- Route interceptor (post-request)
- Controller interceptor (post-request)
- Global interceptor (post-request)
- Exception filters (route, then controller, then global)
- Server response
Why have typescript property decorators stopped working after an upgrade?
The fix for TypeScript property decorators breaking when you upgrade TypeScript is to add "useDefineForClassFields": false
to your tsconfig.json
iPhone 快速投屏到 Mac
No colorized output
Docker 日志突然就木有颜色了。 ANSI codes has been removed.
Relate to
Try adding tty: true
to the service config.
2 image: powerfulyang/
3 container_name:
4 restart: always
5 command: npm run start
6 env_file:
7 - ./
8 tty: true
9 logging:
10 driver: gelf
11 options:
12 gelf-address: udp://localhost:12201
13 networks:
14 - default
15 - public
Windows 键盘按 Win 键无效
Fn + Win
会使 Win 失灵