requestIdleCallback vs requestAnimationFrame
Published by powerfulyang on Feb 13, 2023
1const process = (deadline) => {
2 // 通过deadline.timeRemaining可获取剩余时间
3 console.log('deadline', deadline.timeRemaining());
6window.requestIdleCallback(process, {
7 timeout: 100 // If the number of milliseconds represented by this parameter has elapsed and the callback has not already been called, then a task to execute the callback is queued in the event loop (even if doing so risks causing a negative performance impact). `timeout` must be a positive value or it is ignored.
Due to the fact at which point in the frame life cyclerIC
callbacks are called you should not alter the DOM (userAF
for this).requestAnimationFrame
gives you the point inside the frame life cycle right before the browser wants to calculate the new style and layout of the document. This is why it is perfect to use for animations. First it won't be called more often or less often than the browser calculates layout (right frequency). Second it is called right before the browser does calculate the layout (right timing). In fact usingrAF
for any layout changes (DOM or CSSOM changes) makes a lot of sense.rAF
is synced with the V-SYNC as any other layout rendering related stuff in the browser.
React Scheduler
No, it fired too late and we'd waste CPU time. It's really important for our use case that we utilize CPU to full extent rather than only after some idle period. So instead we rewrote to have our own loop that yields every 5ms.